Human Body

The human body has many parts that work together as a system. The brain has many different functions in the human body, including motor control and sensory perception. The heart is one of the major organs in the human body; it pumps blood to all parts of the body. The lungs are used for breathing air and taking in oxygen to keep other parts of the human body alive.

Why Toxins are harmful for our body?

Our body has its own system of defenses and toxins can easily harm our body. Toxins are harmful because they cause a lot of diseases and affect the functioning of our different organs. Toxins are harmful to the human body because they can accumulate in different parts of the body leading to various health problems such as cancer, breathing problems, kidney damage, chronic pain and even heart disease. Moreover, some toxins can affect the functioning of organs like the liver, brain etc.

What is the meaning of Detoxification?

Detoxification helps to remove toxic substances from the body and reverse the effects they have on it. The goal of detoxification is to break down and remove these toxins, but it takes more than just time for them to be eliminated from the system. It also contains information on various detox diets that one can follow to help them with their detoxification process.

The success of detoxification is determined by many factors such as :

Is detoxification beneficial for health?

There are many benefits to detoxing. It helps to eliminate a toxic buildup in your cells as well as provide relief for inflammatory issues and allergies. One benefit is that you will start to feel better with clearer skin and improved digestion. After this process,you may live a painless life without aching. You may also see an improvement in mood swings, anxiety levels, or depression symptoms (if applicable).

What do you mean by medical detox?

Medical detoxification is a process of elimination of all harmful substances from the body and also, in some cases, from the environment. If it does not involve proper nutritional support, rapid weight loss may occur and complications may arise during the withdrawal process.Medical detoxification  can also refer to stopping other substance abuse when prescribed by physicians as well as other treatments of withdrawal symptoms.

The process of medical detox

The  medical detox process undergo 3 stages which is discussed below briefly:

Complexity of medical detox